Life Lessons Found in my Waxed Amaryllis Bulbs
So I bought some giant waxed amaryllis bulbs back in Oct. I’ve never had them before but was intrigued to see if a bulb setting in indirect light and no watering would indeed bloom.
Their journey to blooming is interesting and very symbolic of life and growth.
Quick recap: The brown bulb started growing strong with the orange a close second. The yellow one was (and is) a distant third.
As I watched their progress over the last few weeks I contemplated returning the yellow one (I bought them via Costco online) and anxiously anticipated watching the brown one bloom since it was not only the first one to grow but also the tallest.
But the brown one didn’t bloom first. The orange did. In fact, the orange had one full bloom a full day or two before the brown one even started showing any signs of a bloom. Meanwhile the yellow was barely looking alive.
Now as I look at them, I find it interesting that the orange one, which was second in height yet first to bloom, has a taller stem and a secondary one that’s only 2 inches tall. Meanwhile the brown bulb, which was first grow yet second to bloom, has a full bloom and a secondary one that’s close to 9 inches tall and on the verge of opening. Then there’s the yellow one. It’s on the cusp of blooming even though it’s the shortest of the three. And, interestingly enough, its secondary bloom is close to 4–5 inches tall and gaining ground.
So all of this got me thinking.
These bulbs reflect the growth of people. Just because someone starts strong doesn’t mean they will bloom or reach their full potential first. Just because someone blooms in one area doesn’t mean they will bloom across the board at the same time or pace; there might areas where they lag. Just because someone starts slow doesn’t mean they’re a lost cause. It just means their blooming period is on a different timeline.
Consider all the factors before labeling someone as great or weak. Time, more often than not, is the real deciding factor as to when and how someone will grow.